Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SMU-in-Taos Post #1: Why do I live in Dallas?

Actually, I like living in Dallas because everywhere I go, it's beautiful to me.

Taos is no exception.

Here are a few pictures I have taken so far...

this is the entrance to Fort Burgwin, where SMU-in-Taos is located

this is where i'm staying, very simple, i love it
officer's quarters

when i walk out of my place every morning, this is what i see. we call it "THE RIDGE"
the ridge

i hiked up to the ridge yesterday, here is a nice view from the top
top of the ridge

me on the ridge

i hiked up the ridge with Christi (in pink), the other Wellness instructor here, and Colby, a SMU student
colby & christi

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