March 29th, 2000 - May 8th, 2008

nikki, loving on mandygirl

I kept praying that I would know when it was time. And sure enough, I knew without a doubt. Nikki, Andrew, Amy, Reed & Dad helped me get there...thank you guys for your loving nudges. But they never once told me that "it was time". They left it up to me and encouraged me and prayed for me. I had to make the decision on my time, and it was pretty clear. That's all I'm gonna say about that...
As much as you can love a pet, that's how I loved Mandy. Watching her die was hard. And putting her down was even harder. Dad, Nikki & I were in the vet room with Mandy, and we finally got her to relax on the table as we all were petting her and soothing her with words. I was so happy that her last 10 to 15 minutes were peaceful. She had such a hard day with very little joy...I don't want to go in to it. But I wasn't scared when the needle went in. I knew it was time and she is in a much better place.
I am so grateful for the experience of having such a loyal pet and friend in Mandy. And I'm so glad that I am "feeling" everything that is coming to me. I'm not trying to be tough or whatever. She touched me.
A lasting image that I have in my mind is that even in her last hours and in her pain and confusion and discomfort, she still wagged that tail upon seeing me and wanted to please. Her spirit was still intact even though her body was sadly failing her. It still breaks my heart to think of these last moments, but it really made me realize what a loyal and sweet spirit she always had. I'll never forget that.
If you knew Mandy, I encourage you to comment on this blog and tell me & everybody else what you remember about her, or a funny story, etc. I know that it would lift my spirits. I love to focus on all the good things, that's for sure...To Mandy:
Enjoy chasing the squirrels up there in dog heaven. And hopefully there are huge fields you can run in with other dogs with lakes everywhere. And food, I hope you have an endless supply of people food and the best dog food. And tell Bierngt I said 'hello,' will you?
Thanks for keeping me company through some lonely times. I didn't realize it until this morning, but I loved waking up and starting my day with serving somebody other than myself. You helped me transition from a life caring only about myself to a life more centered on serving others.
Thanks for all the laughter. You will not be forgotten. You're the best dog a guy could have asked for.
Job well done Mandy. Enjoy some much deserved rest.
Love your temporary caretaker, David
P.S. This is how I will remember you, "dees wun?"

Stumbled upon your blog for the first time, and want to say how sorry I am for your loss. Jason and I lost our beloved dog, Dixie, back in September and it was heart-wrenching. There's something special about a dog that's been with you during that transition time between college and real life. Hang in there - with time you'll slowly forget the end and be able to smile and laugh at all your adventures together.
Stephanie (and Jason) Heideman
david, i just found out today about mandy, but karri has told me to be praying because it was getting closer. i am so sad for you and know this must be so hard to say goodbye. she was the best dog...we all loved her and i miss her. she was lucky to have such a good friend in you too. i just wanted you to know that i am thinking about you and i love you.
David, Mandy will always hold a special place in my heart. She was a great first friend to Taylor. It was fun to watch them go from puppies to ladies together. Mandy always managed to dominate Taylor in not just the races but the wrestling matches also -- though Taylor had quite a few pounds on her. And together they put fear in the hearts of many Waco squirrels. I am so sorry for your loss, and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts about Mandy. I was finally able to cry a little too, as I've been holding back for a while. I've had a strong connection with animals since I was a little girl, and it is nice to see some of my family members form similar bonds. They give love unconditionally, which I think is something you truly experienced and appreciated with Mandy. I'm glad you got to experience that level of companionship and love with her.
we're so sad up here in nashville. the thing that always makes me think of mandy is that almost EVERYTIME reed is getting ice out of the freezer, he drops a couple of cubes. and he always says, "want an ice chip...deeeeezzzzzz wuunnnnnn...."
but God is always so perfect in his timing that He already had your new little lady in place before He took mandy home.
we're praying for you and nikki...
whit, reed, and strohm
What a great companion Mandy was....she always kept things fun and active for you. As I walk around Dallas I run into a lot of different types of animals but none bring me as much joy to watch as the squirrel and every time I get to think of Mandy when I say "Rockiiiiiieee!" I have introduced Elizabeth to the saying and she is beginning to use it as well!
Mandy was one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met and David, she loved you so much! I always loved how I or someone else would be petting her and being sweet to her, but then David would walk in and she would go straight to him! :) I remember her loving to swim in Mom's pool, too, and just always seeming so happy. You should be proud for giving her such a wonderful life.
I am so sad for everyone's loss that knew and loved Mandy. But I know that we have to experience loss and sadness to enjoy and appreiciate the good times. I have a chocolate lab that I love and speak to her the same way I did with Mandy first. I cannot wait to go "swwimmin" and "yes mamn" her in heaven. I will see sweet Bailey there as well. xoxo
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